Hi there! My name is Roxy and I am an
Atlanta stripper working with
MC Entertainment & Services. I have been stripping off and on for about 7 years. Within that time frame I have fallen in and out of love a few times and, each experience has been different when it came to my job. First off, let me just say that dating a stripper is not for everyone; It requires you to be very secure in both your relationship and self esteem. The hours are late and unpredictable, the work is obviously very sexual, and your partner is generally going to be hella hot. If your feeling a bit like T-Pain, here are some tips that can help you to make a relationship with a dancer happy and healthy.
-Jealousy is a totally normal emotion in every relationship, how you express and deal with it is the important part. I myself am in a
polyamorous relationship with my current partner so we have quite a bit of practice in dealing with the green eyed monster, and even that hasn't made him immune to the feelings that can affect people that date dancers. Honesty and communication are the key to any healthy relationship and that need just multiplies when you add other people into the equation, whether it be for fun or
funds. Talking about your feelings with your partner can help you get to the root of the issue; for many it is insecurity, for others it may be the ingrained stigma associated with sex work in our society. Remember that your feelings are valid but your reason behind them isn't always.
-Have realistic expectations of your partner. Stripping is not a full time, 9-5 job. The hours are a little more
predictable when working a club but are still going to keep your partner out late. Working on call parties, there have been a few times that I have had to cancel or leave dates early to go work. My partner understands that this is a possibility and, while not stoked about it, is totally accommodating.
-Be respectful. We deal with unfortunate attitudes about our jobs from enough people, your partner needs for you to be accepting and supportive of what they do.
-Enjoy it! Come on friend, look at who you are with! People literally pay to just look at what you get to rub up on for
Stripping keeps me in great shape, which is helpful in the bedroom (Im looking at you woman on top positions) and I've learned some really
sexy tricks to seduce my partner with. For me personally, I get really turned on when I'm dancing and that bodes well for him when I crawl into bed upon getting home from a party.
All in all, dating a stripper is what you make it. As with most of life, I say enjoy the ride (and the rides that come with it).