Showing posts with label booty builder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label booty builder. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2018

How to get a Stripper Booty 101

Top 5 Exercises for a Stripper Booty

How do strippers get a perfectly juicy booty? Here are the absolute best five exercises that will have you looking like an Atlanta stripper, plus a full booty workout. Your new booty will make people stop, stare, and say OMG, Becky look at her butt!

1.  Squats

Squats are a girls best friend! This compound, full body movement is guaranteed to increase the strength and size of your legs and booty. Squat movements also stabilize your core, and who doesn't love a sexy six pack? Body weight squats can be done anywhere, at home, during your lunch break, or at the gym. Adding weight and using a sumo stance will make your booty pop!
Image result for sumo squats

2. Deadlifts

Perky booty alert! Deadlifts are key in building lifted buns since they work your whole backside, including glutes and hamstrings. This compound movement will also help you create a tight core and a strong back. Try starting with light dumbbells until you master the movement, then try a barbell when you are ready for more weight.
Image result for dumbbell deadlift

3. Lunges

Boost and build you booty muscles by adding lunges to your routine. Step with a long stride to target your glutes, or tone your inner thighs and add curve to your hips with a curtsy lunge. Try body weight lunges at home or add weight to increase muscle volume. 
Image result for reverse lunge Image result for curtsy lunge
                            Reverse Lunge                                                          Curtsy Lunge

4. Cable Kickbacks

Standing Cable Kickbacks, yes please! Kickbacks are one of the best exercise for shaping and strengthening your booty. Cable kickbacks isolate the gluteus muscles so that you can focus on building that booty. You will feel the burn and it will feel incredible knowing that your booty is impeccable! 
Image result for standing cable kickbacks
5.  Glute Thrusts

You are well on your way to your stripper booty! Glute thrusts will give you a higher, rounder, firmer booty. You might feel awkward trying glute thrusts for the first time, but they are truly worth it. Try setting up a bench in a corner of the gym or in the group exercise room for some privacy. You can add  weight with a barbell or pre-loaded barbell. 
Image result for glute thrusts

Stripper Booty Workout

Let's get to building that stripper booty with workout that combines 5 exercises. You got this girl!

Sumo Squat: 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Basic stiff-leg dead lift with dumbbells: 4 sets of 8 reps

Reverse lunge x Curtsy Lunge: 3 sets of  10 reps (total lunges each leg)

Standing Cable Kickbacks: 3 sets of 8 reps (each leg)

Glute Thrusts: 4 sets of 10 reps - 3 second hold at top of  thrust

20 minutes on the stair climber machine

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